Do you want to talk about education or neurodiversity – or both?
If so, you are in the right place.
As CEO of an innovative education centre and a longstanding community volunteer – I have supported 1000’s of families and young people – many of whom have struggled within mainstream settings and/or have SEND.
Having an ADHD brain, I have lived and learned experience of neurodiversity and the challenges many people face.
Through my work as a consultant, writer and speaker – I ask important questions, promote mindset development and support families, professionals and policy makers.
Writer | Speaker | Consultant
I will let you into a secret…
One size does not fit all and there is no ‘normal’.
Neurodiversity describes the natural differences in our brains, that includes the way we learn, communicate, process information and experience the world.
We use language such as ADHD, Autism and Dyspraxia to group together certain common traits. This can be useful as a way to understand ourselves and others – but can also generate assumptions, be missunderstood and in the case of ADHD, be outdated and incorrect (there is no deficit of attention and it is not a disorder).
Due to the power of social media, more people than ever are starting to learn about the way their brains work and it has brought recognition and understanding to not only young people, but adults too – including my Mum at the age of 75!

How I can help
You can watch my videos, access social media content, book me for your event or work with me 1:1. There will also be some useful guides and books coming soon!
My key areas of interst are neurodiversity and alternatives to our current mainstream education system (including education reform).
Mainstream provisions (including schools, other public services and workplaces) tend to be “one-size-fits-all”. This suits some, but not everyone and as we understand people more, the idea of normal is rapidly becoming obselete. I help policy makers, professionals and groups understand neurodiversity, the impact it has and help create useful, accessible and positive spaces.
Home Education
Albert Einstein, Billie Eilish, J.R.R Tolkien, Emma Watson, Sir Isaac Newton, Agatha Christie, Serena and Venus Williams and Simone Biles join the millions of young people across the world who were home educated.
Families choose home education for many reasons – including being able to provide an individualised learning experience and to avoid negative aspects of school such as bullying, stress and lack of (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) SEND support.
Having been a home educating parent from toddler to teens, an active part of the home education community and a facilitator of group learning – I empower families to have all the information they need to feel confident on their journey.
Why are so many young people struggling in mainstream school?
Mainstream schooling has an increasing focus on academic achievement and behaviour compliance – all creating pressure.
Reduced Creativity
Creative subjects are not valued enough – since 2010 there has been a 47% drop in uptake of Arts based GCSES.
Mental Health
Lack of creativity, school pressure, the pandemic, cost of living crisis and social media have all impacted mental health.
One-Size Does Not Fit All
We all learn differently. Some of us need to talk and discuss, others to be quiet and read. Some need to see and touch and others to contemplate and reflect.
Humans need to feel safe. An environment where young people and adults feel increasingly stressed – generates fear and misstrust.
People, noise, irritating textures, restrictive clothing, authoritarian rule, lack of autonomy, impossible rules. All cause sensory and nervous system overwhelm.
Events: Upcoming and Past
Speaker: Global Home Education Exchange (GHEX) – Manchester, July 11th – 13th 2024
Speaker: Learn Free Home Education Conference – Virtual, May 16th – 18th 2024
Guest: The Neurodiversity Business Podcast – 2024
Guest: Adventures with ADHD Podcast – 2024